SR Pandey
Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission
Satyendra R. Pandey is Member, Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) since December, 2020. Prior to his present assignment, he served as Electricity Ombudsman for Gujarat State, Legal Advisor to GERC and in Erstwhile Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB) i.e. GUVNL and its subsidiary GSECL. Shri Pandey holds the Post-Graduate Degree in Electrical Engineering, Law, and Management. He has also done PGDM (Finance) & (HRD). He is well versed in Power Sector having more than 37 years of rich and varied work experience in all the facets of the Power Sector i.e. Regulatory, legal, finance, commerce and technical aspects pertaining to Generation, Transmission, System Operation, and Distribution. He began his professional career in 1983 in Erstwhile GEB and joined Office of the GERC in 2005 and worked upto November 2019. Subsequently he was appointed as Electricity Ombudsman for the state of Gujarat.
He has an in-depth specialisation in Regulatory functionalities, technical and legal aspects. As an Ombudsman he has dealt with the disputes arisen between the consumers of the licensees and distribution licensees. These disputes pertain to various issues and aspects relating to distribution of electricity including billing disputes, release of connections, recovery of various charges, questions pertaining to verification of services provided by the licensees, issue pertaining to failure of services and penalty whether imposed or not on licensees, compliances of decisions of Electricity Ombudsman by the parties, review of orders etc.
In the GERC he was instrumental in formulation of Regulations framed under the Electricity Act, 2003, dealt with petitions filed before the Commission on various subjects like approval of capital cost of the generation projects, approval of PPA, approval of deviation of bid documents, approval for grant of license for distribution, transmission and trading of electricity, disputes pertaining to PPAs, Tariff related issues, Open Access, Intra-State ABT, DSM, Energy Accounting, Renewable Energy, Captive Generation Plants, Licence related issues, Suo-Motu proceedings, Appeals filed against the Orders of the Electrical Inspector on Meter Disputes etc. by way of analysis, preparation of issues and draft orders on it. He has also carried out the works related to determination of tariff/ARR/True-up/ of licensees, generating companies and SLDC. Moreover, he has carried out the work related to determination of generic and project specific tariff of the Renewable Energy Projects i.e. Solar, Wind, Hydro, MSW, Biomass and Bagasse etc.
Moreover, he has represented GERC in the various petitions, appeals filed before the Hon’ble APTEL, Hon’ble High Court and Hon’ble Supreme Court and also prepared the draft petitions, replies, written submissions required to be filed before these authorities. While working with erstwhile GEB/GUVNL, he was involved in works related to regulatory subject matters like PPAs approval, capital cost, tariffs, comments on Resolutions etc. He was also involved in legal matters pertaining to disputes between licencees with generators etc. He has represented GEB in the matters before the Regulatory Commission and High Court. Further, he was involved in Research & Development of Electric Power Utility, formulation of various projects on power sector and submitted to Central Government for consideration as Research project, in house training programs, RE Projects, DSM and Energy Audit work, O&M of Thermal Power Station, and transmission systems, Strategy formulation for execution of projects.