ISGF has the pleasure of inviting key stakeholders in the DISCOM domains to the 9th Edition of Distribution Utility Meet (DISTRIBUTION UTILITY MEET ) in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India on 06 to 07 November 2025 in partnership with Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited and the Tata Power Company Limited. DUM 2025 will be supported by All India Discoms Association (AIDA). DUM 2025 will provide a unique platform for all the DISCOM community to share each other's experiences in dealing with efforts towards energy transition, grid modernization and digitalization on a fast track as we leapfrog towards a Net Zero power sector in India. In the post pandemic world, it is imperative that utilities do not make the same mistakes but learn from each other, and from global expertise/experiences. Experts from leading utilities from the USA, Europe, Japan, South Korea and Japan will be invited to participate in DUM 2025 and share their valuable experiences.
DUM will include plenaries sessions. Invited International Utilities and Knowledge Partners will present on select topics. Case studies and project experiences will be discussed during DUM. Key challenges to Discoms will be compiled and circulated as session themes. Presentations and discussions will be around themes as mentioned in Agenda. For Utility participation please write to
Traditionally participation in DUM has been by INVITATION ONLY. Utilities and select Technology Providers have the option to exhibit their products and solutions in the Exhibition Booths which will give a unique experience of interacting with visitors from around the globe and explaining about their offerings.
Exhibition Booths are available in two categories: (1) PLATINUM BOOTH and (2) GOLD BOOTH.
For Special participation packages, list of features of the booth and other enquiry please write to
For Delegate Participation and Registration, please write to us at
Utilities and select Technology Providers have the option to exhibit their products and solutions in the Booths which will give a unique experience of interacting with visitors from around the globe and explaining about their offerings.
Exhibition Booth is available in PLATINUM and GOLD categories.For Special Participation Packages, list of Features of the Booths and other inquiries
Please contact :